Who am I?

By the age of 22, we’re supposed to have it all figured out because why not? I mean, if even after 2 decades you can’t figure it out and answer the quintessential

“who are you?”

“what are your goals and ambitions?”

“what do you want from life”

Type basic questions then what have you really done in life?

Well, at least this is what the World and primarily what are society thinks. I on the other hand, well, I beg to DIFFER. Yep, you heard it right! In this over overwhelmingly fast paced life of ours where everyone has entered this anonymous race of turning themselves into clones of one another, I try to take out a second to break free and unwind.

Which brings me back to the question we all are constantly badgered with, “Who are you?”  Well,It’s a constant road to self-discovery where every day brings a new revelation but since you asked, ill give it a try.

Born in Lahore, raised in Karachi and migrated back to Lahore, I’m a blend of two beautifully diverse cultures found within Pakistan. My salees Urdu and inability to converse in Punjabi  perfectly depicts this mixup.

Regardless of associating words like, “friendly” and “caring” to my personality while  growing up in school, it was only a decade and a half later that I realized how untrue my own perception was about myself. I conceived myself the way I probably wanted people to perceive me. Deep down however, I was an awfully shy kid. Making friends and showing any affection I had for them was a dilemma to say the least. One day, thanks to internet  and  my friend Google,  I diagnosed my self as a *DRUMROLL*


If you’re wondering why I’m using medical terms to elaborate on my condition because 98% of the time, people that meet me believe that it’s some kind of disease.NOT.

A major part of discovering myself and figuring out who I am comes from being an introvert. Not aloof from the world, yet despite being in the center of everything I love to analyze everything. I believe I’m highly opinionated, (which btw isn’t a bad thing) I just have a take on every take, well mostly everything that interests me namely; Politics, Socio-Economic topics, Infotainment, Judgmental desi aunties and the messed up society we live in at large.

My transformation from a hardcore shy (read: introvert) kid to a not so shy rather confident and a more open-minded person came to happen post A’levels. Rejected from my dream university,  “LUMS” – The Harvard of Pakistan, I  landed into my backup university; LSE- Pakistan Edition. Coming out of a protective school environment, sitting with a complete group of strangers and due to lack of extracurriculars offered at university, I joined a world-renowned youth organisation and the rest is history. Whoever I am, Whatever I am or whatever i might become is due to my learnings from there. It’s one of those heart-warming achievements of my life.

Three years down the line, I can proudly say I’ve never felt more like myself. Everyday i make new mistakes and everyday I learn from them. I don’t have any regrets because i try to learn as  much as I can from it; everything is a lesson. Soon to be graduating as a marketing majors, i can finally say that even after much resentment, I did fall in love with LSE. It has given me memories to last a lifetime ♥



  • I often come across as an arrogant person mainly because im like a turtle who’s in its shell most of the time; I don’t act as a social butterfly
  • My parents thought my name would bring me badluck so they renamed me “Aska” for a week. Tsk, Desi Parents I tell ya.
  • I wanted to be a lawyer or an interior decorator. The 9 to 5 life never appealed to me.(LOL @that)
  • I love to travel! #wanderlust  unfortunately, you can’t travel for free therefore, there’s still a vast ocean to sail.

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  • ,I’m a sucker for Rom-com movies and find Starplus dramas to be awfully entertaining, no i kid you not. (Judge karne se guraiz farmaye, Allah is watching you)
  • Elif Shafak and Moni Mohsin are one of my favorite writers.
  • I love Qawali and poetry; i try to write sometimes too.
  • I love toy poodles NOT CATSSSS.
  • Basically,Eat Sleep Netflix and repeat and breathe!

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